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New Ground is a liquid microbial and biological catalyst containing 38 types of good bacteria, humic acid, folic acid and other ingredients for releasing the bonds on your tied up fertilizer.
Keep your production consistent with our Harvest Early plant growth regulator
Mo-Yield is a new way to fertilize your crops. Mo-YIELD is designed to provide your crops with all the liquid nutrients it needs to produce HIGH QUALITY Yields.
Packed with Micronutrients.
Chelated Nutrients to help with absorption into the plant.
15% Nitrogen
Humic Acid to help put organic material back into the soil.
Activator is effective with water soluble and water insoluble agrochemicals. It is designed to increase deposition and surface activity of pesticides on the target crop. Activator will not foam or clog nozzles.
A high phosphate liquid fertilizer formulation that encourages root growth and strengthening of natural resistance mechanisms. It also contains proprietary natural and non plant food nutrients included but not limited to sea plant extracts, indoles, proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates and vitamins.
PAA-22-5 is a peroxyacetic acid-based microbiocide developed for Bacteria, Fungi, Slime and Odor Control in Agricultural Waters.
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